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Archive 1999-2003

News: 356-360 of 1202

  1. 356.

    "XXX Festival of Summer Music" in Ciutadella

    Once again, JJMM Ciutadella are presenting their "Festival de Música d'Estiu", this year for the XXX edition that will start on July 9 and will last throughout the summer until September 9. ...

    24 June 2002Archive 1999-2003

  2. 357.

    Sa Rosa des Vents will close the "Festa Marinera" of Sant Pere in Maó

    Maó will celebrate on Saint Peter's saints day, June 29, the traditional "Festa Marinera", that this year will take place on the old fishermen's quay (explanada de Llevant). The programme ...

    24 June 2002Archive 1999-2003

  3. 358.

    Folk dancing in the districts of Ciutadella

    This Sunday, the folk group, Arrels de Sant Joan, will start in the plaza de Dalt Es Penyals, the cycle of traditional dancing organised by the Federació Menorquina de Grups Folklòrics ( FEMFOLK ...

    24 June 2002Archive 1999-2003

  4. 359.

    Football, the right to play

    Did you know? During the span of a 90-minute match 1,800 children will die of preventable diseases and malnutrition. FIFA's 2002 World Cup , taking place until June 30 in Japan and the ...

    18 June 2002Archive 1999-2003

  5. 360.

    eEurope 2005: An information society for all

    The new eEurope 2005 action plan adopted by the European Commission to promote the Information Society will be presented to the Seville European Council that will be held on June 21 and 22. ...

    17 June 2002Archive 1999-2003


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