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Archive 1999-2003

News: 341-345 of 1202

  1. 341.

    XXIX Musical Festival of Maó

    Maó will demonstrate once again its consolidated tradition within the world of music with the celebration of the "Festival de Música de Maó" that this year reaches its XXIX edition. Organised by ...

    03 July 2002Archive 1999-2003

  2. 342.

    Activities at the Pedreres de s'Hostal

    Líthica has presented the programme of cultural activities  that will be held this summer in the evening at the Pedreres de s'Hostal in Ciutadella, an area administered by the mentioned ...

    03 July 2002Archive 1999-2003

  3. 343.

    New report on HIV/AIDS

    A new report released by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), in advance of the XIVth International AIDS Conference in Barcelona, warns that the AIDS epidemic is still in ...

    03 July 2002Archive 1999-2003

  4. 344.

    Campaign against racial abuse

    The Spanish section of International Amnesty has initiated the campaign " Ponte en su piel y actúa " (put yourself under his skin) to denounce the racial abuse cases in Spain. The ...

    03 July 2002Archive 1999-2003

  5. 345.

    Cycle of talks about the new site of the Menorcan Council

    With the talk  "Arquitectura i medi ambient. L'efecte refrigerador de la velocitat de l'aire" by the architect, Jaime López de Asiaín, creator of the bioclimatic project for the new Consell de ...

    03 July 2002Archive 1999-2003


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