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Gesundheitswesen > Organisationen

Web-Sites: 1-37 von 37 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.

    Associació Balear d'Esclerosi Múltiple

    The Balearic Multiple Sclerosis Association is a non-profit making organization which provides services and support to those living with and affected by multiple sclerosis.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  2. 2.

    Médicos Sin Fronteras

    Médicos Sin Fronteras is a private, independent, apolitical and aconfessional organisation for humanitarian help.

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  3. 3.

    061 Balears

    Emergency service by the Balearic health service (ib-salut).

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  4. 4.


    Balearic association of children with rare diseases.

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  5. 5.


    Balearic Association of Sports Medicine.

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  6. 6.


    Balearic Association of people affected by the Trigonitis and the Interstitial Cystitis, based in Pina.

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  7. 7.


    Balearic Association of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.

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  8. 8.

    Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i de Balears

    Promotion and information on health sciences and other related scientific and cultural activities.

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  9. 9.


    Balearic Celiac Association.

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  10. 10.


    Association of diabetics of the Balearics. Central office in Palma de Mallorca.

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  11. 11.


    Association working against AIDS on the Balearic Islands.

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  12. 12.


    Web page of the Professional Association of Health Technicians of the Balearics (APTEB).

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  13. 13.


    ARA ist eine Vereinigung, die sich bemuht den Schmerz und das Leid zu lindern, die die letzte Phase einer unheilbaren Krankheit mit sich bringt.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  14. 14.

    Asociación Balear contra la Fibrosis Quística

    Information about the Balearic Association against Cystic Fibrosis.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  15. 15.

    Asociación de Cardiopatías Congénitas de Baleares

    Balearic Association of congenital cardiopathies integrated in the Fundación Menudos Corazones.

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  16. 16.

    Asociación de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas de las Islas Baleares

    Web by the Association of Technicians of Medical Emergencies of the Balearics.

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  17. 17.

    Asociación para la Integración de Personas con Síndrome de Dow

    Web of the Association for the Integration of People with Down Syndrome in Menorca.

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  18. 18.


    Parents Association for children with cancer in the Balearics.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  19. 19.


    Balearic association for handicapped.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  20. 20.

    Associació Balear de Parkinson

    Web page of the Balearic Parkinson Association.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  21. 21.

    Associació Esclerosi Múltiple Illa de Menorca

    Multiple Sclerosis Association of Menorca.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  22. 22.


    Association of Nutritionists-Dietitians of the Balearic Islands.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  23. 23.

    Conselleria de Salut, Família i Benestar Social

    Ministry of Salut, Família i Benestar Social of the Balearic Government. Councillor: Carmen Castro Gandasegui.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  24. 24.

    Escola de Sida de Balears

    Group of professionals and volunteers working on AIDS related problems.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  25. 25.

    Escola Universitària d'Infermeria i Fisioteràpia

    University School of Nursery and Physiotherapy of the Balearic University (UIB).

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  26. 26.

    Fundació Banc de Sang i Teixits de le les Illes Balears

    Web page of The Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  27. 27.

    Germandat de Donants de Sang de Menorca

    Blood donators in Menorca. Office in the Hospital Verge del Toro de Maó.

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  28. 28.


    Research Institute on Health Sciences.

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  29. 29.

    Official College of Dentists

    Official College of Dentists of the Balearic Islands.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  30. 30.

    Radiología Médica

    Balearic Delegation of the Spanish Medical Radiology Society.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  31. 31.

    Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears (ib-salut)

    INSALUD is the public institution responsible for the administration of the public services network for health assistance.

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  32. 32.


    Union of doctors.

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  33. 33.


    Union of Superior Technical Sanitary Specialists of the Balearic Islands.

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  34. 34.

    Sociedad de Pediatría Balear

    Balearic Paediatrics Society.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen

  35. 35.

    Sociedad Balear de Medicina del Trabajo

    Scientific medical society committed to promoting the development of Work Medicine.

    Gesundheitswesen >> Organisationen


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