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Digital > Computer > Software

Web-Sites: 1-11 von 11 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.


    Typing classes by computer.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  2. 2.

    Balearen 360º

    CD Rom: panoramafotos in digitaler 360°

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  3. 3.

    Binary Menorca, SL

    Company dedicated to software development.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  4. 4.

    Compusoft Enginyeria, SL

    Computer sercices for business. Training courses.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  5. 5.

    El club de Pipo

    Club for Pipo's friends. Educative games for children. By CIBAL Multimedia S.L.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  6. 6.

    Informática Aplicada a Empresas, SL

    Software development for business in Maó.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  7. 7.


    "Peces" (pieces) is a programme that lets you play the traditional Tangram game, a Chinese game.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  8. 8.


    Internet Services for the Town Councils in Menorca.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  9. 9.

    Sistema SC

    Software development and consulting in Maó.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  10. 10.

    Taller 2.0

    Management software for car mechanics developed by the Menorcan Santiago Oliver.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software

  11. 11.


    Santiago Benejam's personal web page dedicated to free software.

    Digital >> Computer >> Software


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