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Ciutadella > Art and culture > Music > Artists > Pop Rock

Webs: 1-5 of 6 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Cris Juanico

    Web page of the Menorcan singer Cris Juanico.

    Ciutadella >> Art and culture >> Music >> Artists >> Pop Rock

  2. 2.


    Heavy Metal band from Menorca.

    Ciutadella >> Art and culture >> Music >> Artists >> Pop Rock

  3. 3.


    Web page of the pop-rock music group Inventari, from Ciutadella.

    Ciutadella >> Art and culture >> Music >> Artists >> Pop Rock

  4. 4.

    Ja t'ho Diré (1986 - 2003)

    Web of the music group. Biography, Records, Songs...

    Ciutadella >> Art and culture >> Music >> Artists >> Pop Rock

  5. 5.

    Menaix a Truà

    Group formed by Toni Xuclà, Cris Juanico and Juanjo Muñoz.

    Ciutadella >> Art and culture >> Music >> Artists >> Pop Rock


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