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Course on "Politics and Power in Greek-Latin Ancient times"

Course on "Politics and Power in  Greek-Latin Ancient times"
With the conference "L'origen de l'activitat política a Grècia: entre tirans i savis", by Francesc Casadesús, president of the Sección Balear de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos (SEEC) and professor of Greek Philosophy at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), next November will start the "VIII Curs de Pensament i Cultura Clàssica".

The course, organised by the Balearic Section of the SEEC and the Vicerrectorado de Proyección Cultural de la UIB, will analyse the relationship between "Politics and Power in Greek-Latin Ancient times" and will will take place until May 2004, in the Cultural Centre of the Fundación la Caixa in Palma and in the Ateneu Científic, Literari i Artístic de Maó.

Full information can be found about the course on the web of the SECC: www.seec-balears.com
Date of publication: 27/10/2003

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