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Days on Environment

Days on Environment
The "III Jornades del Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears" will take place on November 14, 15 and 16, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Can Tāpera (Palma).

The days, organised by the Societat d'Histōria Natural de les Balears, with the collaboration of the Obra Social y Cultural de "Sa Nostra" and the General Direction of Biodiversity of the Ministry of Environment of the Balearic Government, intend to explain the research and development in environment managing related to the Balearic Islands.

Inscription: 5000 pts.

More information:

Societat d'Histōria Natural de les Balears
C/ Sant Roc, 4 (Estudi General Lul·liā)
07001 Palma

Phone/Fax 971 71 96 67
E-mail: jornades.shnb@arrakis.es
Date of publication: 01/11/2001

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