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Archiv 1999-2003

Nachrichten: 461-465 de 1202

  1. 461.

    "Mid Summer Night's Dream" at the Teatre Principal

    Once again, the successful play "Somni d'una Nit d'Estiu" by William Shakespeare, directed by the Menorcan Pitus Fernández , will be presented at the Teatre Principal in Maó, next Sunday, ...

    19 März 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  2. 462.

    BalearWeb organises the Web Prize 2002

    On May 23, coinciding with the celebration of a virtual cultural meeting with the participation of artists from the islands, the winner of the "Premi Web 2002" will be announced. BalearWeb , ...

    17 März 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  3. 463.

    Barcelona European Council: Presidency Conclusions

    The European Council met in Barcelona on 15 and 16 March for its second annual Spring meeting on the economic, social and environmental situation in the Union. Heads of State or Government, ...

    17 März 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  4. 464.

    Protection of the Santa Ana, Agendar and Trebalúger gorges

    The Govern de les Illes Balears , in the Friday cabinet meeting, agreed to start the procedures for the declaration as Protected Natural Areas with the classification as Natural Monument, of ...

    16 März 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  5. 465.

    The GOB presents the ecotax in Germany

    The GOB has presented this morning a press conference held in the press agency of the German Government in Berlin the environment situation in the Balearics and Pitiüses, and the need to ...

    14 März 2002Archiv 1999-2003


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