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Concerts by Hiram Bullock and Los Piojos in Akelarre

Next Thursday, October 9, at 11:30 p.m., the Jazz & Dance Club Akelarre will hold a concert by one of the most dynamic and versatile guitarists of the moment.  This is Hiram Bullock, well known internationally for the extraordinary strength of his live concerts, that take the best of rock, funk, blues and jazz.

For the following week, this popular club in Maó has programmed two performances by Los Piojos, a very popular rock band from Argentina with over 15 years of history that is performing its first tour of Spain. The performances in Maó will be on October 16 and 17.

UPDATE (16/10/2003): Los Piojos will perform only on October 17 in the Claustre del Carme.
Datum: 07/10/2003

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