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The Islands' participation at the Theatre Fair in Tàrrega

The Islands' participation at the Theatre Fair in Tàrrega
From September 7 to 10 at Tàrrega, 100 km from Barcelona, the 21st edition of the Street Theatre Fair of Tàrrega will be held. Since 1981, when the group Comediants was formed, the annual fair has been a great meeting point for scenic arts, in which there is a great representation from groups and artists from all over Europe.

As always, the fair will have the participation of theatrical groups from the Balearics that will travel to Barcelona with the support of Department of Education and Culture of the Balearic Government. In this edition there will be five groups performing in the festival: Au Ments ("El Viatge Tarambana"); Res de Res & En Blanc ("Trèmolo"); L'Ombra del Cranc ("Vides exemplars"); Maria Antònia Oliver ("Bobot"); and Gom Teatre ("Perquè vull!").

Official web of the Fira de Teatre de Tàrrega: www.firatarrega.com
More information about Tàrrega: www.tarrega.com

More information about the theatre on Mallorca: teatre.net
Datum: 29/08/2001

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