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Society > Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO

Webs: 11-15 of 18 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 11.

    Justícia i Pau a Menorca

    Christian association of the Catholic Church.

    Society >> Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO

  2. 12.

    Manos Unidas

    Non-Governmental Organisation working to eradicate poverty. Offices in Palma, Maó and Eivissa.

    Society >> Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO

  3. 13.

    Mans Unides

    NGO with delegations in Majorca, Menorca and Eivissa.

    Society >> Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO

  4. 14.

    Médicos Sin Fronteras

    Médicos Sin Fronteras is a private, independent, apolitical and aconfessional organisation for humanitarian help.

    Society >> Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO

  5. 15.


    Social Integration Project promoted by Càritas Diocesana de Menorca.

    Society >> Non Governamentla Organizations - NGO


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