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Science and education > Events

Webs: 1-11 of 11 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Ausias March - Mag Teatre - Mag Poesia

    "600 anys d'Ausiàs March" - Homage to the medieval catalan poet, by Magisteri Theatre Company-UIB.

    Science and education >> Events

  2. 2.

    Emili Lledó Íñigo (Sevilla, 1927)

    Investiture of Sr. Emilio Lledó Iñingo as doctor honoris causa by the UIB.

    Science and education >> Events

  3. 3.

    Enric Valor i Vives

    Enric Valor i Vives (Castalla, País Valencià, 1911) will receive the Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Events

  4. 4.


    VII Days on University Teaching of Computer Studies. Palma, June 16-18 2001.

    Science and education >> Events

  5. 5.

    Jornades de Recerca Històrica de Menorca

    Days on Menorcan History Research, organised by the Societat Històrico-Arqueològica "Martí i Bella" of the Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella.

    Science and education >> Events

  6. 6.

    Josep Massot i Muntaner

    Web dedicated to the Mallorcan writer, Josep Massot i Muntaner, and his investiture as Doctor Honoris Causa at the UIB. At present Josep Massot is in charge of Publications of the Monsterrat Abbey.

    Science and education >> Events

  7. 7.

    La cultura matemàtica i el valor de l'aula

    Web about the days on Mathematics that will be held on Maó on May 7, 8 and 9, 2004.

    Science and education >> Events

  8. 8.

    Mediterranean Seminar on International Development

    Annual forum organised by the department of Applied Economics of the UIB.

    Science and education >> Events

  9. 9.

    Olimpíada de Química a les Illes Balears

    Chemistry Olympics for high school students of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Events

  10. 10.

    Premi Nadal Batle i Nicolau - Consell Social de la UIB

    The prize will be given to the best unedited informative essay or novel, written in Catalan, which deals totally or partially with information technologies and their social impact, excluding science fiction.

    Science and education >> Events

  11. 11.

    Vinton Cerf

    February 19- 1998, in the Assembly Hall of Son Lledó, Vinton Cerf, considered to be the inventor of Internet, received the Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Events


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