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Science and education > Educational resources

Webs: 1-14 of 14 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.


    Typing classes by computer.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  2. 2.


    Educative programme of the IMEDEA expeditions to the Antarctic area.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  3. 3.

    Any Europeu de les Llengües

    Web page about the European Year of Languages, by the General Direction of Linguistic Policy of the Balearic Government.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  4. 4.

    El club de Pipo

    Club for Pipo's friends. Educative games for children. By CIBAL Multimedia S.L.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  5. 5.


    Web portal by the European Union. A virtual meeting place and directory of information for all aspects of e-learning.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  6. 6.

    Formació Professional a les Illes Balears

    General information on technical formation in the Balearic Islands, by the Department of Education and Culture of the Balearic Government.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  7. 7.


    Free service for automatic translation from Castillian to Catalan via the net.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  8. 8.

    Magisteri Teatre * Mag Poesia

    Theatre company "Magisteri Teatre", University of the Balearic Islands. Selection of Catalan Poetry. Poetry at school.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  9. 9.

    Obrint Portes

    Educational workshops and activities programme, organised by the department of Education of the Ciutadella Town Council.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  10. 10.

    PEC de Ciutadella

    Educational City Project by the Ciutadella Town Council.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  11. 11.

    Peces - Tangram game

    "Peces" (pieces) is a programme that lets you play the traditional Tangram game, a Chinese game.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  12. 12.

    Teatre a l'escola

    Web created by Magisteri Teatre * Mag Poesia with practical information about how to work with the theatre in schools.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  13. 13.


    Educational web by the Balearic Government.

    Science and education >> Educational resources

  14. 14.

    Xarxa Segura IB

    Information about the safe and responsible use of the Internet by children.

    Science and education >> Educational resources


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