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Government and politics > Government > Balearic > Ministries > Health, Family And Social Welfare

Webs: 1-5 of 8 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Biblioteca Virtual de Cičncies de la Salut de les Illes Balears

    Scientific information for heath professionals of the Balearic Islands, by the Balearic Government.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Balearic >> Ministries >> Health, Family And Social Welfare

  2. 2.

    Conselleria de Salut, Família i Benestar Social

    Ministry of Salut, Família i Benestar Social of the Balearic Government. Councillor: Carmen Castro Gandasegui.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Balearic >> Ministries >> Health, Family And Social Welfare

  3. 3.


    Web portal by the Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Balearic >> Ministries >> Health, Family And Social Welfare

  4. 4.

    Maltractaments No

    Information about gender violence.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Balearic >> Ministries >> Health, Family And Social Welfare

  5. 5.

    Oficina de Defensa dels Drets del Menor - ODDM

    The web of ODDM presents, in an easily understandable language, the rights of children under 18, and offers a telephone and e-mail for the youngsters to contact directly to the office.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Balearic >> Ministries >> Health, Family And Social Welfare


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