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Art and culture > Language and literature > Catalan

Webs: 1-5 of 36 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Acciķ Cultural del País Valenciā

    Association that encourages the study and promotion of the language belonging to Pais Valenciā, Catalan.

    Art and culture >> Language and literature >> Catalan

  2. 2.

    Alfonduco Edicions

    Non-profit digital publishing house in Menorca. Literatura menorquina.

    Art and culture >> Language and literature >> Catalan

  3. 3.

    Associaciķ Germano-Catalana

    The Deutscher Katalanistenverband e.V (German-Catalan Association) is an association that has its aim to represent and promote Catalan scientifically in German speaking territories. It organises every two years a German-Catalan Discussion Group.

    Art and culture >> Language and literature >> Catalan

  4. 4.

    Atles interactiu de l'entonaciķ del catalā

    Audio and video materials for the study of prosody and intonation in the various dialects of Catalan.

    Art and culture >> Language and literature >> Catalan

  5. 5.

    Biblioteca del TERMCAT

    All the books about technical and scientific terminology in Catalan.

    Art and culture >> Language and literature >> Catalan


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